
Crabtree's philosophy of continuous improvement has led to what is undoubtedly the machine that is most suited to overcome the problems facing Canmakers today. Crabtree changes the wisdom of "Changeovers costing money" into "Changeovers making profit".

SpeedFit SpeedFit SpeedFit SpeedFit

The SpeedFit camera is phase one of a development programme launched through our Automated Vision Systems arm to provide production-ready initiatives to solve industry challenges and enhance performance.

Our innovative camera technology is set to revolutionise print processes by offering greater accuracy during print fit and reducing make-ready times compared to manual operations, where accuracy differs from operator to operator.

The handheld wireless camera, which has lower cost implications compared to an inline camera, can also be offered as a standalone system.

Key features:

  • Colour-to-colour register control enables users to achieve fit in a fraction of the time compared to manual processes
  • Repeatable accuracy to 10µm through automation
  • It can operate between numerous print lines
  • It can be interfaced to the FastReady console – enabling closed loop register adjustment
  • User-friendly interface has been designed and manufactured by printers for printers
  • ROI can be quickly realised with minimal training

The SpeedFit camera has undergone successful factory acceptance testing and has been developed utilising our 50 years plus metal decorating expertise. It has been developed with guidance from 3T Control, which has expertise in bringing to market automated industrial processes.  

We understand that our customers and metal decorators worldwide are searching for quality and productivity enhancements in order to print faster and print better whilst still reducing costs. This is why our mission is to design and deliver premium print process control, utilising the highest quality innovative systems to offer added value and faster ROI. 

Contact our specialist engineers for more information or a product demo.

Email: salesdept@crabpress.co.uk  |  Call: +44 (0) 191 487 5071